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Unwinding before bed

How do you unwind from your day so you can relax and get ready for bed?

Nice hot shower with music in the background? Some video games? Read a book? Movie and wine? Nothing?

Scrolling on my phone, reading a book, watching a movie, playing some video games help me unwind from the day. Some days my brain will replay the movie or game I was just playing for a little bit and other days I just fall right asleep when I hit the pillow. It's not often I can skip the unwinding when I get home from work and just crash in bed. Other days it still feels like I'm holding my breath and it isn't until I reach my room and change into pj's that I finally feel free.

Mental fatigue is a real thing !

Or maybe that is just the introvert in me speaking.

Whether you're coming from work or school or social interactions, they all require a level of energy to focus on the work/task. Some need more energy than others and that's ok because everyone's threshold is different. Mental fatigue isn't always obvious. It is a subtle whisper in your ear that sometimes you don't pay attention to.

Listen to your body.

Do you know what it needs? What it wants?

Maybe you're not as engaged as you usually are anymore, or maybe you're more irritable or maybe you're missing chunks of time. Recharge when you need to. Don't let anyone else put conscious/subconscious pressure on you while you recharge. Be bold and stand up for your health, set boundaries. Only you know yourself. You know when your battery is running low. People might be able to see it but they don't truly know the depth of you.

Do you feel like a hot shower after work is a chore that just has to be done or is that a luxurious way to relax? Maybe you don't feel like you have the right to relax and participate in such luxurious ways? But you survived until it's bedtime! And you survived your shift! You survived the day! I think you can celebrate just a little bit. Your worth is not measured in how productive your day. You cannot earn a paycheck, or be there for your family, or better yet, be there for YOURSELF if you do not have your health.

How do you unwind from the day?

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