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Places to Sleep

Have you fallen asleep anywhere embarrassing? Are your friends mischievous when you fall asleep around them? Do you have a hard time falling asleep in public? When I'm not consumed by sleepiness, I obviously def don't want to fall asleep in most public places. But when you're going down the rabbit hole of food coma-ness/ sheer exhaustion, damn is it difficult. 

I have fallen asleep in high school and college classes; both classes of 100 or 20 students. I even fell asleep during meetings!!!!! Super embarrassing OMG, I fell asleep when going for an interview for a hospice volunteer. I think she/he manager was reading something to me and my eyes kept drooping. I can't really remember, I think this was around 7th grade or something. But they never had to shake me awake. The third embarrassing place I have fallen asleep is when our college intervarsity group volunteered to read and stuff at a shelter. This lady wanted to read to me and I said ok but minutes later, I was nodding off. Whenever she gets stuck on a word and she turns to ask me, I'll wake back up for a few seconds :(  That whole weekend had me emotionally and physically drained. Apparently, my roommate snored like a mad storm and I didn't notice at all because I would pass out before my head hit the pillow. It was another member in a different room a few doors down that said she couldn't fall asleep because she could hear the snoring.

OH SHOOT! I just remembered! First year of college, we drove from Massachusetts to New York to spend the day and also catch the Rockettes show during Christmas time. We walked around the city first for a bit before we went to the show. Sad to report that as soon as I sat down, I nodded off and when I woke back up, it was like five minutes before the end …………………………. ugh…

I fell asleep on the train and bus before; the airport was kinda scary. I was worried about someone just walking off with my stuff and also missing my alarm and therefore missing my flight. Plus with so much foot traffic around the area, it’s not a very restful sleep. I used to not be able to fall asleep on airplanes. Now that we are here in 2024 and I live on my own, I noticed that I can knock out on the plane; as early as before leaving the gate. For a while when I'm grinding at my jobs and school, a plane ride is the only place I can nap. 

My brother and I will take pictures of each other, and our nieces and Mom when they fall asleep on the couch or the car. Our friends and family don't really do much when we fall asleep in each other's presence. I would be scared if my friends tried to pull pranks on me if I fell asleep around them but that would be my own fault for falling asleep around them. 

Not an embarrassing one but a heart pounding one. This year, I was stuck in traffic and on the ramp to get off at the exit. We all stopped, waiting for the light, for others to go. I think I came off a double shift. I guess I closed my eyes while waiting for the light to turn. Next second I just so happened to open my eyes, my car was slowly going towards the grass! The car behind me was about to drive around me. Cars ahead of me have already started going but not by far. Whew! I think I only had like a car or two spaces in front. I immediately phoned a friend while I drove in case I dozed off again.  

Have you fallen asleep during something exciting? Do your friends leave you alone or cause mischief when you fall asleep around them? Does the food coma win and take you down? 


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