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Morning routine

What is your morning routine?

I don't really have one. I'm trying to create a new habit now. I would like to get in the habit of drinking a cup of water in the mornings and do some stretching.

Hydration and mobility goals for the new year !

My usual school/work schedule is just to roll out of bed, wash up and change, grab my stuff and leave. Sometimes breakfast and sometimes not. I don't really like morning showers unless the season is summer because I can wake up warm and in the other seasons, I feel cold when I wake up. Whereas evening showers; my body is already somewhat warm from being up all day. I like mornings but I am not an early riser.

On weekends, I take more time. I'll stretch, clean my room, and go grocery shopping. Not really a morning routine but it's what I have been doing last few weeks. It's a nice feeling to clean the room and get a fresh supply of food from the store in the morning. If I'm at mom's house, I'll sleep in, clean the room, sweep the floors, breakfast and play some games in the morning or I'll play and eat and then clean before she comes home.

I don't really have much of a morning routine. Do you?

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