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May Recap

  • I am proud to report that I am still playing tennis nearly everyday.

  • Sad to report that I am not keeping up with my hydration or sleep goal. 🙁

  • Not complaining, but I am surprised to see that I have a tan after being in the sun for about two hours. In NJ, for me to tan, I would have to spend the whole afternoon outside!!

  • Happy to see green grass and green trees and pretty colors on flowers.

  • Kids are getting out of school now and we are approaching thunderstorm season.

After spending the whole winter indoors, if the temperature is ok and the ground is dry, I try to go outside each time…unless there are some dark clouds looming around the corner.


No Bueno

Not dying after i climb the stairs to my room

Not sleeping well or enough

Bought some gym shorts!! And few summer work clothes! Wardrobe refreshed <3

Falling asleep at work

Feel more in control of my diet

Didn’t hike once this month

My forehand is looking pretty good now!!

No dreams :(

Went back to NJ for a weekend! Mom got me a watermelon!!!!


Weather was perfect while in Denver, it was raining straight through the weekend. It was also soooooooooooooooo satisfying to be in a house that does not have roommates around. The house is quiet and clean and our very own. I can blast music without having to worry about other people. I can use any dish and not worry about how the person before me doesn't know how to wash it after they use it. I can also leave a mess and come back to it without worrying about a roommate finding it. Took mom to the Cheesecake factory and Duke’s farm and visited the greenhouse.

San Fran for a weekend–the usual–sushi, tacos and bubble tea. Driving range and bowling alley!

Not much to report this month. I don't think I have done anything else but tennis and work. Not working much on the blog and no games either.




-Better recovery

-Hike! Got two planned for June; weather depending of course

-Should I get a QR code for my blog??????

Places to Sleep

Have you fallen asleep anywhere embarrassing? Are your friends mischievous when you fall asleep around them? Do you have a hard time...


My fellow wanderers, Greetings Sorry I have not checked in for the longest time :( I really have been super busy! I hope you have been...


How do you like your blanket and mattress and pillow? Is there a formula you use to ensure the most optimal rest? Do you need them to...


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