Thirty :
Skiing on a mountain.
Mom there? And watching.
A guy and a girl are ghosts? They walk off the cliff.
Twenty Nine :
Ancient Egypt.
With Charlie.
Twenty Five :
Bobby, iKon.
He was back at home as if on a vacation from work.
Also met a Chinese girl. Long sleek black hair with it fading into a green.
Me and Bobby were interested in each other.
He was also working on his music project.
Me and someone? Or I was watching in on a human couple and their wolf pack.
Twenty Four :
We are very determined and very smart. The plan is to see what works and what doesn't.
We want to see what triggers the zombies into chasing humans.
How can we increase our survival rate? Need to study them of course!
Can't always run and also can't always fight them.
We make way towards the beach. We want to see if it is better there. And also curious if zombies can go into the water and if there are any zombies already in the water.
Twenty Two :
New school and new boyfriend, Sunjo, friend's friend.
School on bins.
Eighteen :
Made it back to Mom's house for Christmas.
I'm taking some holiday pictures on her phone.
Mom's phone is old and poor quality so there is some lag when taking pictures.
Cuddles with Charlie.
Young Jerry trying to play hide and seek but he's bad because he doesn't understand the concept yet.