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Where is the line when sleep cannot be achieved? How many days/weeks/months will be allowed to pass by with poor sleep quality before a medical professional is consulted? There is a time to be awake and do things and a time to close eyes and rest. Where is sleep on the list of priorities?

Maybe as a student, you are experiencing stress from assignments and exams; maybe at work, you are experiencing stress from projects and meetings and they are keeping you awake. Maybe finances, health, social interactions, trauma and many more are keeping you awake. Some do not have easy fixes and span a length of time. When you feel like they are being dragged out, how do you keep your brain and body from being overwhelmed in the meantime?

In my humble opinion, I would say, first, handle the mental game-control what you can control and let go of the rest. I know it is easier said than done but it is a simple truth. For the most part, you can control what goes in and out. You can control what you eat and what you listen to, what words you want to hold on to and what can go right out the other ear. Important reminder is, YOU CAN control your thoughts-the self talk, the hype talk; motivation and destruction comes from within. Even if someone is cussing you out, you are in control of your reaction. For short term and long term issues, focus on the controllables and being present in the moment when having productive study sessions, showing up for work and family and showing up for therapy and other appointments. You can be super busy, have a degree of stress, and still eat, speak and perform well and have a decent attitude with yourself and others. It’s not a perfect process, there will be hiccups and snacks along the way.

If you already spent the entire day worrying, stressing, overanalyzing, overthinking something and still couldn’t come to an agreement or solution, when it is time to sleep, why continue to do all that the next few hours? Why not just take a break from all that and just go to bed? A solution couldn’t be found during your waking hours, so why would spending night time hours make a difference. If anything, tell yourself you're taking a break, gaining some perspective and will continue to overdo it tomorrow.

When I find myself in a stressful situation within myself, thinking and replaying the same argument all day, I tell myself to set a timer to get it all out, exhaust yourself, with all the possible arguments, scenarios, solutions, chatter, and when the timer is up, I will close it up. After the timer is up, I tell myself to get some physical and mental fresh air and be present in that moment; if I eat a snack, be present with my snack, if I put music or tv on, be present with media. I now need to gain perspective if I want to be able to see and not be blinded by stress and maybe one line of thinking.

The physical game is easier most of the time. You can purchase food and drinks and entertainment to keep you awake and relaxed for a few hours but how about the flip side, to keep you not awake for a few hours. Would you buy food, drinks and entertainment to have a good night's sleep? The same efforts you go to make sure you buy the next game or phone, would you be able to apply that to your health? The same efforts you take to log your meals, water, your day, would you be able to apply that to your sleep? People often say, “oh, i can always sleep when i'm dead.” Actually, the more you deprive yourself of sleep, you can actually meet your maker sooner. Over an extended length of time, the body and mind suffers when it hasn't been given the chance to rest and recharge. What happens when spa days don't relax you anymore and sleep medicine and teas aren’t working anymore? Would you take yourself to see a professional? A doctor might be able to prescribe a pill to take but you still need to change something in your routine to increase your chances of success. Drinking caffeinated drinks and ingesting sugary foods before bed because now there is a magic pill to make you sleep for a few hours isn’t exactly helping the situation.I understand the doubt of going to see a regular health professional. Not only is money an issue but also the fear of finding out there is something indeed wrong can be daunting. In my opinion, the most offensive issue is when the doctor that sees you does not believe you.

I know one friend and one coworker who have fallen asleep at the wheel and crashed into things. One hit a truck and was away from work for some time. Maybe this was just a moment of one time drowsiness or maybe it was inevitable after many days of not resting well. Who knows? I know another coworker who is a great person and employee, on the clock and off. But he is known in his department for falling asleep everywhere. I am happy to hear he eventually sought medical attention. I think i did hear he ended up getting diagnosed and treated for a sleep disorder.

I did not develop the habit of going to the doctors or taking medication, so honestly, I don't know what it would take for me to see a professional about sleep. It does not take me long to fall asleep. I saw a few articles that said if I fall asleep too soon, it means I am sleep deprived. I think it is a true fact for this moment of time. I have been working a lot and working on getting this blog together and sleeping late. If I am not thinking about anything, I am usually knocked out in single digit minutes. I'm pretty sure I have always been always to fall asleep quick. I am also optimistic by nature, always thinking the next day I won’t feel so sick anymore or, if I can't fall asleep tonight, tomorrow will be better.

How about you? When will you take care of your sleep and see a doctor for it?

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