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April Recap

The last few days of March into the first week of April set the mood for the month. My aunt from Taiwan came to visit. She is the adventurous type; always on the go. She wanted to experience the Amtrak train ride across half the country. My mom and I of course accommodated this idea.

We started the trip in San Francisco with a day and a half to use. Saw the iconic locations

-Golden Gate bridge + Coit tower

-Lombard Street + Palace of Fine Arts

-the windmill

-Sutro baths

-Fisherman Wharf

-ice cream from Marco Polo !!! yumm

Dropped my mom and aunty at the train while I spent another day before flying to Denver, Colorado. I thought the train ride was too long of a trip but compromised by doing the second leg. Another reason why I ended up doing the train ride is because who knows when the next time Aunty will visit the US again. She is going to retire in a few years, so money and age will play an even bigger role in her next visit.

My flight was unfortunately delayed but the train was also delayed. They took the uber to the hotel and I met them there.

-Drove and walked around the Garden of the Gods (beautiful sunny weather!)

Thought it was funny and cute when my mom and Aunty both passed out in the car once we came back from the first stop.

-Manitou Cave Dwellings

-Stopped in downtown Manitou and had a bite to eat

-Red Rocks Amphitheater

-Saw some beautiful sky and bison at the wildlife refuge

I haven't really explored much of Colorado so I really didn’t know where to take them. I didn't want to do anything too strenuous because I know they are tired. Heck, even I was tired. Train was delayed for 4 hrs. Poop. We didn’t get on the train till nearly midnight. I bought my Aunty and Mom a cabin and I was ok with just a seat. I can always go visit. It was a weird experience because people who got on before obviously took all the seats. It was dark and late so people were sleeping, so it was weird trying to find a seat next to a sleeping person. And the seat was still in a semi upright position that even when lying down, my lower back hurt. Train smelled musty and had a hint of weed and snacks. It was difficult to stay asleep because there would be the occasional light, train person’s radio would go off when they walk by, people would get up and walk and talk. Heard the landscape was better on the way from CA to CO because on the way to Chicago, it was quite bland. We hung out in the observation car for a while, chit chatting and playing cards and then back to their cabin for some privacy and naps. We waited in Iowa for a bit; apparently they had downed trees and powerlines from the thunderstorms and there was even a tornado warning!!

Finally arrived in Chicago after midnight when we were supposed to arrive in the afternoon!!

-Giordano and Portillos

-Saw the Bean !

-Walked along the river and did the architecture tour

It was warm one second and then very cold the next. After the river tour, had to run back to the hotel for a jacket :(

My mom and Aunty flew back to NJ to hang out before Aunty flew back home. I actually went to NY to see my friend from back in the day; back it up to like middle school. Met her two friends. Not a fan of them but oh well. She showed me around the neighborhood and we had some delicious local eats. Magnolias were in bloom!! So pretty<3

I came back to work by hitting the ground running; came back to a double shift. Next day, I picked up my racquet for the beginning of tennis season. I hibernated all winter so getting back into the swing of things will take some time. Excited to move, to hit and meet some new ppl.

Definitely sluggish and out of breath. Happy to be in the sun and feel its warmth. I think I had some winter blues and just wanted to stay in bed all day everyday and now, I feel more alive. Grass and trees slowly turning. Pretty flowers and fragrance.

We went to San Diego for a day!! What an exhausting day but fun! Weather was perfect :)

-Balboa Park

-Saw bonsai exhibition

-Old Town

-OMG breakfast at Huddle was so yumm

Love the long stroll for the whole day. Running on like three hrs of sleep; we drove to the wrong hotel a few times before finding the correct one. We checked in and passed out.

Been to Chicago and San Diego for the first time-an achievement.

Sad to say I have not been sleeping well and therefore not dreaming. Getting up for work and staying awake has now become difficult.


Breath-no wheezing and no gasping when playing

Hydration is key

Keep distance after the ball bounces

Be kind

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