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Nov. Fifteen--Thirty

Thirty :

Someone's Grandma went out hunting.

She has her dogs with her. Some black colored dogs and some white.

Shot some geese. Long golden grass.


Drake and Josh, the characters and the tv show.





pumpkins. Dallas Arboretum + Botanical Garden, Texas
Dallas Arboretum + Botanical Garden, Texas


Twenty Five :

George Foyet, tv show, Criminal Minds.

I'm at Don's house. Jenny got four more cats. One new one came up to me and wanted me to scratch her.

I was on the bed and next to the bed is a closet.

I saw a boot rise and fall. So I knew someone was hiding in there.

I tried to stay off to the side in bed and bury myself in the blankets and watch the closet.

Don was getting ready for work; he was in the bathroom. Jenny was in her room chillin.

All I could think about is being hidden and sneaking up on George. I would have a knife and stab and or cut his foot. Then I realize I don't have a knife or anything sharp.

What do I do? Get out of bed and ruin my cover?

I was playing with the cats but I tried to stay on the side. I kept an eye out on the closet.

Don went to take a shower. He walked into the living room. He had a shower cap and poncho on.

I did the face and hand gesture. “What are you doing?! Go away”

Jenny in the house somewhere. I think Don just left for work.

And the house was quiet.

George slowly crept out the closet.

(I don't know how) I was able to get behind George. Pinned his arm behind the back. Kick his leg out. My hands behind the head and slammed into the floor. He had a mask on so I couldn't verify identity right away.

Have to secure him first.


I paid a $200 bill off right away when I didn't have to.

I was like shoot, I could have saved it until next month.


Another dream. Avatar Airbender, tv show?





sky. clouds. Colorado
Denver, Colorado


Twenty Three :


As a guest and a banquet server.

nature. orange mushroom. Ringwood State Park, New Jersey
Ringwood State Park, New Jersey



Twenty One :

Lena and Olivia, ex classmate.

One or both had a boyfriend Zach, ex cassmate?

We are working in Colorado.





turkey. thanksgiving. new jersey.
Plainsboro, New Jersey


Eighteen :

Rich beautiful bedroom.

Dark brown red walls?

Like a show room.

Bed with many pillows and layers and its drapes.

Curtains on the window. Dresser.

No light in the room other than sun light pouring in.

We came from poor/ok ness so seeing this room was breathtaking.





hallway. princeton, new jersey
Princeton, New Jersey


Seventeen :

Listening to Jerry make up a lame ass excuse.

One of those lies a toddler tries to tell you. Body language and lack of vocabulary. You can just tell.

He was lying in bed before getting up to make the phone call.

Jerry had an accident with a fast car. Jamie?

Have a light massage for him. Pounding on the back. He was lying on his stomach on his bed.





gator in water, aquarium
Baltimore, Maryland


Fifteen :

Ice cream store.

In a spaceship with Charles and another couple.

Trying to defer the alien from destroying the ship.

I don’t know if we will make it.

Feeling of dread.


Driving around New York. i think.

I let someone drive my car.

And he let someone else borrow it which made me annoyed.





dry flowers
New Jersey


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