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Apr. Nine--Twenty Two

Twenty Two :


Under the ice.


In a club. Dark room and strobe lights. People partying.

Standing above the ice, looking down at the dirty brown water.



Me, Daphne, Briana, Mom, Layla and Keira.

In a dojo temple? Hiding.





purple flower. San Francisco Botanical Garden, California
San Francisco Botanical Garden, California


Twenty One :

Giant squid. Bird. Frog?

Local place like mall.

Trying to fight the beast off.





Philadelphia Flower Show, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Flower Show, Pennsylvania


Nineteen :

Band concert.

I forgot how to play. Brain freeze. So I just been air playing.

Then we messed up and Mr. Swan, band teacher, stopped us completely. Later in practice he wants to test everyone on their section.

So I scramble.


In the slums? Like Brazil. Community built into the mountainside. Metal sheets. Dirt floor.

Trying to find a way out of the maze.

Found a giant Buddhist temple?

People around.

Trying to get out of it. Some close encounters.

Finally got out.

Some flying (Chinese period drama martial arts) moves. Also I got this device that I point and shoot to help me swing from one building to another.

Trying to erase my footprints. One guard is on to me and will track me down.





peach color rose. Sarasota, Florida
Sarasota, Florida


Eighteen :

I signed up for two schools. One in Oklahoma? And one in Florida.

First day on the campus today!

Walking around. This campus has amusement park rides! Trying to find the rec center. Maybe play some ping pong there.





blue sky. cloud. Colorado


Seventeen :

In school with other Asian students.

Got sick. Bumps on my arm.

Edison Chen, actor?





pink cherry blossom. Taiwan


Sixteen :

Power to transform everything into bubbles or sticky and oily substance.

Anime style.

One guy holding back his true Venom looking form.


Girl is new to town.


Had trouble finding the classroom at first. Students were adding and dropping the class right up to the start time.

Teacher was rough off the bat.

School festival. (Like in Japanese culture. The school will host festival event.)

Everyone in classroom.

Something was going to burst. Sense of confusion and anxiety.

Someone created a door to the outside to help everyone escape.

A girl, a guy and his friend helping people leave. Directing traffic and providing calm directions.

The guy thought it be funny to release a bubble towards her to create false memories. Mystery object about to burst now! Get out now!

The bubble pops too and she is slightly disoriented but the guy puts his arm around her shoulders and guides her out as well as the rest of the stragglers.


Supposed to go skiing.

Forgot to bring extra clothes.






Fifteen :

Taiwan for New Year's.





red flower. Naples Botanical Garden, Florida
Naples Botanical Garden, Florida


Thirteen :

Daphne called me to her place.

I ate some soup.

I yelled at someone.

Kids decided to walk into some dirty puddle water while playing outside.





purple flower. Branchburg, New Jersey
Branchburg, New Jersey


Twelve :


Getting ice cream at the shop. And food. Thought I forgot the ice cream the first time but it was in the kitchen of the house. Freezer burn from being left out overnight and re-froze.





white flower
Golden Gate Park, California


Eleven :

School setting.

Step into a video game.





bird on branch


Ten :

Video game style.

Zombie monsters running and climbing over things to get to us.





green color. Duke Farms, New Jersey
Duke Farms, New Jersey


Nine :


Daphne, Jerry, Mom and I.






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