Thirty One :
Sorcerers all have an animal. One doggie mourned the death of his human.
We are at a in Egyptian temple.
Nighttime. Cool out. Sandy. No other lights but the moon light.
He howled and cried so loud the temple toppled while we were inside. I held my hands up to create a force field shield around me
Busy city landscape in the horizon. Looking at the divide between city and country with sand in the middle.
Twenty Nine :
At a demonstration. Racism.
Not upset that it offends me or scared. Just upset that people are so upset.
People are getting violent. I run away into a casino.
KKK popped up.
Charlie and I run into the tram. Two guys hold the door open for us. They had a doggie in there zooming back and forth and it kept looking at me. Eventually, I started petting and scratching the dog. The more I scratched, the more dog relaxed. One of the guys said he's a professional Vietnamese.
In a facility with swimming pools. Holding breath little longer than usual.
Next room over is aquatic exercises.
Twenty Eight :
Shana, coworker and someone else. Counting the cash register and wrapping up the receipts. In a shopping mall. Closing out for the day. Shana then locks up the place. And we all go.
Group of three people.
Supernatural fire. Trading bodies.
Two locations? Someone committed suicide.
Twenty Two :
Crack house. For research. I’m part of it. Charlie there too.
Packed up and making way to Germany. For work? Refugee program? The final destination is Egypt or Morocco.
Flew part of the way. Got out of the airport to drive the rest of the way there.
Clay walls? On the street with the locals. Foot traffic and vehicle traffic. Smoke from a car or a food stall. Noisy.
Dark red wooden doors to a cafe. Aware of the feeling of being a foreigner. This mission almost feels secretive. Never know who is watching.
Jamie there at one of the stops?
Eighteen :
Sixteen :
Native American.
Five :
Sexual trouble.