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What About

Cheerful Wallart

W years old       X weight    Y' Z" height      Made in USA                       

Like : flowers, sweet tooth, ink+watercolor and tribal art, sports, long strolls, landscapes

No Like : heights, horror genre movies, mosquito magnet/bugs, the floor of a body of water is not visible, spicy food, vomit

Strength :  Optimism + Open minded + Integrity

Weakness :  Number sense + Cold temperature + Cuteness

Live at your own pace

"Don't worry about what others think."

"Just do you boo."

Proudly presenting
my space and I.
My first entry was July 2012ish.
And now its 2023.
At long last, I have decided to share it via the internet.
I have been consistently dreaming before I started jotting them down.
It occurred to me one day that since I was dreaming so much, I should record them to see how long I can dream for and go back to read for fun.

It started from writing them in a journal to taking notes on the phone. 
I wanted to share it with others but I did not know how.
I tried to create short stories and incorporate the dreams in there but I would soon lose interest in that project.
I did not want to force a creation.

At a certain point, sharing through the internet did occur to me but I did not know or think of other platforms to use. Now that we are in 2023 and I am browsing the internet, I realize there is a plethora of options for blogging and sharing.
I am not particularly spectacular at anything.

I feel so mediocre.
why would anybody want to read about what i did or did not do today.
with these mini adventures,  
I finally feel like I have something to contribute;
 something I can share and call my own.
Sometimes it is difficult to write down what I dreamed of within seconds of being conscious. The more the brain wakes up, the more it starts to multitask and become distracted from recalling the dream. There are times autocorrect replaces my words and changes what I intended to write and I forget what the real word it was supposed to be. I also tried writing it down with keywords in hopes that would trigger the dream but that does not work all the time.
All these dreams are organic.
I do not smoke or ingest anything to generate these dreams I get before I wake up.
No sleeping pills, no teas, no herbs, no incense, no drugs, no music and such.
There are days I wake up and recall it well.
And days where it is disappears instantly,
leaving behind traces of dust bunnies of a dream.  


It's very exciting . . . Spontaneous . . . . P u r e .

Hope you guys will enjoy accompanying me on these adventures in and out and around my sub/conciousness .

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